
Adobe pitstop
Adobe pitstop

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PitStop Professional 08 takes this functionality to the next level with Adobe Acrobat 9 compatibility. PitStop Professional has long been the de facto standard for preflighting, editing and repairing of PDF files among graphic arts professionals who use a PDF workflow. PitStop Professional 08: Adobe Acrobat 9 compatibility, enhanced ease-of use, productivity “This latest announcement reinforces our ongoing commitment to our users around the globe as we continue to enhance the industry’s most comprehensive suite of PDF-based tools.” The latest versions of PitStop Professional, PitStop Server and the Switch product family, as well as fully-functional trial versions of all Enfocus products, are available for download from the Enfocus website at “Enfocus has built its reputation and market leadership on the concept of delivering the most reliable and easy-to-implement automation with unprecedented control over PDF workflows,” adds Mr. “Enfocus is dedicated to ensuring that our products deliver improved productivity through automation for users across the spectrum of the graphic arts industry,” said David van Driessche, Director of Enfocus Marketing. The update is being made available as a no-charge upgrade for current 08 product users. Please note that this is the only setting you will need to manually adjust, the others (for example the use of local fonts) will be automatically adjusted without any action on your side.Enfocus announces the availability of Adobe Acrobat 9 compatibility for PitStop Professional 08, an added enhancement to the major product updates demonstrated at drupa 2008, the world’s largest printing trade show held in Düsseldorf in May. In the video below (do not hesitate to put the video in full screen to better read the texts), we deliberately have put back the overprint preview to its original setting … PitStop warns us from the launch of Acrobat and tells us where to change it. Download the setting and see if it suits you or customize it to your taste!

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In other sections, you will see that we have chosen to display page boxes by default, etc.

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In our example above (which corresponds to our workspace enabled by default, at start of Acrobat), we chose to make sure that the overprint preview is active, the use of local fonts is off, but also that the zoom value is “fit to page” (we like to see the entire document at the opening).

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You will notice that it is possible to choose the elements you want to control, but also to tell how you want them to be adjusted (for example active or inactive).

Adobe pitstop