This free tool automates troubleshooting by checking licenses, authentication, updates, protocols, etc. But if you’re having trouble with Outlook, Dynamics 365, OneDrive for Business or Skype for Busines, just run Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant for Office 365. Microsoft Office 365 has extremely high availability - up to 99.9 percent.

Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant for Office 365 Today we will take a look at the best Microsoft Office 365 tools. Microsoft Office 365 is becoming more and more popular because of its flexible licensing strategy and because it is available from any PC or mobile device that has access to the internet. All Office 365 applications are updated automatically with no additional charge, unlike on-premises Microsoft Office and Windows solutions, where users have to pay for each newer version. A subscription-based service, it can include applications such as Office 365 (Word, Excel, etc.), Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, and OneDrive for Business.

Office 365 is a set of cloud-based applications and services offered by Microsoft.